Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Safe Investing in 2010 After The Meltdown - Part 1 by john s

If we look back to what has happened in previous time, like the 1930, the great depression, the world wars, we have gone through many transformational shifting.The American neo conservative have targeted china, they have started a hate china campaign. They do seem to want a cold war.

But there is a real concern at the moment with political development and currency problems. It seems that there is always one nation that is likely to be the scapegoat for these problems, and it would be easy to just say, "lets have another war!" but wars are massively destructive of capital, progress and human beings. Unfortunately wars have been going on for as long as we know, and there are people who will tell you that whenever you have a shortage of raw materials that this will eventually lead to war.

At present it is obvious that we are in a period where we have a shortage of raw materials and commodities are becoming more and more acute. And if history serves us well, it is obvious we will soon have another war. It makes logical sense. Even if this fact is right or wrong we do know that if you have a dominant country falling, and a stagnate country rise, these countries have always clashes. A good example of this is with the US on the decline and China on the rise, there is a lot of tension there at present. This does not mean these countries will go to war. But it is obvious there is a strong tension there that we have not seen before. Where this leads is anyone's guess.

In terms of the financial crisis, Mr Ben Bernanke is trying to solve the issues at hand, but all he has been really doing is printing money. This is not a good sign, but that is about all they keep doing in Washington also. It is not good for a country debasing their currency. Many countries in history have tried this to
revive their economy. It has never worked in the short term or long term.

Unfortunately Mr Bernanke does not understand economics, or currencies or anything else for that matter. There is a real misconception about how one can protect themselves from what is coming. But the smart thing to do to protect oneself is to put your money into real assets, or in other currencies besides the US dollar. The US dollar will not go down dramatically everyday and every year. But Please do learn about protecting yourself. Because the real way to protect yourself through the ages is in sound currencies or real hard core assets.

Recently there has been a lot of people talk about gold and silver. In the last 6 months we have seen prices skyrocketing, and buying these now might be a bit dangerous. But if and when they have a correction, even if it was a violent one it would be wise to buy some gold and silver.

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